Sebastian Aho - Hurricanes - 12.5 Points
On Team(s): Davidson Mainstreet Mafia, Lac Pelletier, Play Now Playas, Urban Cellars Top Shelf, SWT, Swift Plumbing and Heating
Player Details
 Game  Date  For  Time  Details  Points
Hurricanes at Islanders 4/25/2024 Goal Period 2 - 07:14 Regular Time / Game Winner 6.25 = (2+3)x1.25
Islanders at Hurricanes 4/22/2024 Assist Period 3 - 19:04 Regular Time / Empty Net 3.75 = (1+2)x1.25
Islanders at Hurricanes 4/22/2024 Goal Period 3 - 17:45 Regular Time 2.5 = 2x1.25

If you have any questions or concerns, let Jeff know.